Let’s Learn Basic Numbers For Kids eBook app/audiobook for Android is live now. With this app, you can let your child learn numbers by reading themselves or read by our narrator. It’s a completely free educational app for children with no ads.
Click the link below to download it
You can also watch the Learn Basic Numbers Video on this page or go straight to our youtube channel: http://youtube.com/c/noodlekidz
Tommy the cat hosts the numbers singing and dancing and counting from 1 to 10 to very young children. Cute and colorful animations inspire kids to count and learn numbers from 1 to 10 with a cute kitty!
This is numbers song for kids and if you are looking for numbers songs for children to help introduce them to numbers, this video would help, especially among preschoolers who are starting to learn about numbers.
Preschool teachers are very welcomed to use this numbers video as a learning tool to help educate young children. These numbers and colors song is one of the easy ways for babies, toddlers and preschool students.